life as it happens, cristine style.: oh hey grad

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

oh hey grad

I did it!

I'm a former student at Texas A&M University. How bizarre.

So far no emotional breakdowns! Then again, I don't think I've stopped moving until this very second. Graduation was followed by a great trip to Grune, Texas and then to our friend Zach's ranch, which some could argue was well onto the border of Mexico. I spent a night in College Station then boarded a plane (yes, a plane, in Houston) to go to Dallas for my junior year roommate's wedding, and then stayed in Dallas for a few days visiting with my grandma and cousin.

I leave for Haiti in t-minus 9 days.
9 days! That is single digits people.

I feel like it was just yesterday that I was boarding the plane for my first trip, and then praying fervently for an answer of whether or not the Lord was calling me back. Now, here I am, 9 days out.

Of course, Satan has been trying to weeasle his way in like always. Initially I was supposed to be working at a camp here in Texas. I would have been in Tyler for orientation yesterday. There are moments when I face regret, or challenge what I am doing. I get scared and then get angry at myself for not doing the "cooler" thing. But I have to have confidence in the Lord. I know He has me there for a reason!

It came as a great relief on Monday when I read in Proverbs, chapter 20 verse 24 that
"a man's steps are guided by the Lord, how then can anyone understand his own way?"

Of course! What on earth am i even worrying about?

Lord, I apologize. Gosh, I am so royally messed up, how can i sit here and wonder YOUR plans and then think that my silly human ones are better than Yours?

I love summer in Texas. Lots of iced tea, swimming, reading, laughing. I just wish I was doing it with my friends around.Its been a week since I last saw them and I already feel their absence. The inside jokes, the fact that they get my humor ( I realized quickly this weekend that the days of everyone in the room laughing with me are pretty much over..yikes!). I feel blessed by them, I really do. NYU will be hard without their constant companionship.

until next time, when i promise to write less sentimental things....

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