life as it happens, cristine style.: ill take a side of emotions with that coffee!

Monday, May 10, 2010

ill take a side of emotions with that coffee!

In 48 hours I will have finished my last final.

I will leave Wehner High for the last time and get ready for a new life in le big apple.

i love finding places to study in and around the bryan/college station area. I take great pride in the fact that I discovered the Hampton on 6 2 years ago. Last night we turned the conference room of the Class Center in Koldus into our own personal study spot, compete with my Keirug (which i love btw(. Tonight I'm at Living Hope. It's the ideal study spot, plenty of tables, quiet rooms, free snacks, free coffee and....all the emotions that go along with what this body has meant to me.

If there is any word of advice I could give to the underclassmen believers its this:
get plugged in now.
It is unreal how much true community in a body has changed my PERSONAL walk. I feel so loved, challenged and strengthened by the body around me at living hope. I only wish I would have delved deeper sooner. Young kids, older adults and the super cool young married couples have all made their marks on my life . Many days Living HOpe is the one things keeping me from excitement about graduating.

But then I remind myself, this is a time to be JOYFUL and THANKFUL. The Lord blessed me with mentors, teaching and community that I can now seek after as a model as I go out into the world. I am now aware that this type of body CAN and should exist, Lord please give me the courage to pursue this type of fellowship wherever I am!

I could literally go on forever about Living Hope, I really could. But I'm sure I will write more about it in the future.

ISo with that being said, please pray that in the next few weeks I can find joy and not sorrow. Help me to celebrate my time in College Station, and to not mourn in the retirement of this part of my life.

Music at the moment is the Bethan Dillon and Matt Hammit version of "In Christ Alone." My forever favorite worship song, one that means so much. Ch-ch check it out!


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