life as it happens, cristine style.: wait..its over?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

wait..its over?

today is the day... my very last night in college station.

my room looks similar to what i assume my nyc apartment will look like. tiny, and void of anything but a computer, an air mattress and a few bags. i hope it makes it easier to leave tomorrow.

oh yeah, and im officially a hoarder.
nah, that pics not my room, but its a good replica. i think ive kept every note, card, letter or sticky note anyone has ever given me. whats up love language apparently?
i will miss this room...

i leave for haiti in 5 days! WOW. I am literally in disbelief that its here already. I have a ton to do this week, and the Lord is the ONLY thing getting me through it all. a common questions people have been asking of late is "how excited are you for nyu?!" to which i am always thrown off for a bit. life has been moving so rapidly i feel like i can't even get excited about nyu yet, first i h ad to get through finals, then the weddings, then moving, now Haiti, then the cruise...THEN... then i can FINALLY be excited about nyu. i was thinking i would make a trip out there in july to look at apartments but it looks like katie and her dad will be doing that which is great! but i was looking forward to an excuse to go up there...

oh, i also found this t-chart. i have to laugh because i am very much obsessed with t-charts, pros and cons etc. etc. when i am making decisions. i made this the beginning of junior year, in regards to the next summer...

i love that impact wasn't an options. neither was staying at home. ha. guess God all sorts of showed me who was boss. Thanks Dad. its times like that when i can be thankful that no matter how much i think i can screw up your plan...i can't.

so long C.S. its been a good 4 years, i love you lots. be good to my sister these next 4...


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