life as it happens, cristine style.: April 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I can't sing loud enough!

Hello hello and hi!

Well, as the year progresses I've found myself realizing

"hey self, you're about to graduate1"

so obviously that meant i should start blogging.....

The Lord has been working like crazy and its been awesome to see how my life has changed so drastically in just the past few weeks! As most of you know, I went to Gressier, Haiti to do construction over spring break, and well, my heart has not stopped bleeding for the Haitian people ever sicne! There are some great stories here but Iwill have to share them later... I have some big news about this but am waiting to talk to one more person before I make it all public =)

Second, when you are graduating in May, a question you get alot is:

"hey graduating senior! what are you doing with the rest of your life?"

its really an innocent question, but it definitely feels like nails on a chalkboard, especially when you aren't too sure. But now, I can say...

I'm going to New York University!

What is so insane about this is how much this was the Lord's hand! I found out about their Music Business Master's program the middle of December and it was due February 1st. I figured it would be plenty of time until i realized the 4 page, single-spaced personal data outline and 1,000 word research essay that were also attached-yikes! I spent over 25 hours on this application and turned it in the day it was due-double yikes. In 2 parts of my data outline it asked for my research ideas and goals within the music industry. After much debate (with myself) I decided to go ahead and e super honest with my goal-wanting to work with Christian artists that want to release secular music so they have a solid foundation that doesn't compromise beliefs and values but still allows their music to be heard on traditional stations. Now, NYU is definitely not a Christian school, so i knew going in that this could hurt me. But it was true, and it was my heart.

The 2 months leading up to my letter, I did more research, and realized that there was truly no earthly reason why I should get into the Steinhardt school at NYU. My grades are eh. The week I got my letter I had started to accept that I was not going to grad school this year, I became invested with finding a job in College Station. My friend Katie and I then decided we were finally going to combine our passions and start the cupcake shop we had een talking about for 2 years! Thursday I spent in the Center for New Ventures and Entrepreneurship wher I was encouraged to enter the Ideas Challenge, due the following day.

While typing our application the next day, I got an email from NYU, I hastily opened it knowing I get emails from them frequently. To my complete surprise, it started with the word Congratulations!

I wept.

I had said it myself, for nearly 8 weeks, there was NO earthly reason why I should get into this school. So what a comfort and peace to know that this WAS from the Lord! It's been a whirlwind since then, mom and I head to NYC on Weds and that will be the deciding factor upon me accepting their offer.

Right now I am praising Him! What an amazing opportunity that I do NOT deserve! Lord please give me clarity and understanding of where I fit into Your will!

Well, thats all for now, Emily is telling me its time to leave Mugwalls (a place I will miss a lot)

SO blessed,